Archive for category Vintage


In an effort to begin clearing out some of the extraneous stuff that is hanging around our house and cluttering our cupboards, I collected a box of said stuff for donation.  A new thrift store has opened in town so this trip afforded the perfect opportunity to peruse and drop off.  Guilt free perfection.

Speaking of perfection, on my way to the cash desk I did a last circuit and found this:

The perfect aqua green and in as new condition.  Not a stitch out of place, not a mark on the lining.  Bliss.  When I was little my Mum had a case like this that held a hairdryer device from the 60’s, my sister and I spent many (many) hours frying our noggins, our heads wrapped in the plastic cap, warm air blowing over our ears.  We would stop and swap when the ear burning became too much, but even then reluctantly.

When I went to the cash desk the young woman asked me if this was a sewing case.  I explained to her that it is a vanity bag, a travel case that a woman would take with her on holiday or a night away, it would hold cosmetics, shampoo, a hair dryer; everything she would need to be presentable whilst abroad.  I tried to ignore the strong feeling I had of being about 190 years old as the young woman listened to my explanation with some interest but no comprehension.  “That’s a lot of cosmetics!” she said, I smiled and took my case away, clutching it lovingly.

The satin fabric inside reminds me of the curtain in a theatre, shiny and glamourous.  This case is from a time when going away was A Big Deal, travel was not simple or easy and the province of the few.  This case will have been filled, not just with belongings but with anticipation.  I imagine it belonged to an air hostess, packing it ready for a trip on the Overnight to Dallas.  Or a business man’s wife, off to some far away destination (Toronto? New York?) to mingle with the great and good in restaurants and at conferences.

I’m not sure what I’ll fill it with, my first thought was to put perfume bottles in it, that seems suitably chic and fitting.  But I worry that might change the smell.  The smell is exactly the same as the case my Mum had, that blissful mix of talc and mildew that speaks of aged feminity.  So for now I think I’ll keep it as it is, empty of belongings but full of echoes.  Full of what used to be.


For My Seester

Who loves vintage pyrex?  Come on, you know you do.  The beautiful colours, the fabulous patterns, the opaque milky goodness and knowing it is environmentally friendly to boot.  Well my sister and I share something of a pyrex fetish obsession interest so when I was out on a bit of a flea market mission yesterday (that was where I took the picture of the fabulous green and orange barstools, oh yes they will be mine) I took some piccies of the pyrexy goodness to be found there.

And because I’m nice I thought I’d share them.  But mainly this is a pyrex lovin’ shout out to my most favourtest seester in all the world.

Some of these shots are not great, the light was rubbish and I was trying to stop Huwyl from breaking anything/being adopted/stealing shiny jewellery/breaking anything.  Also if you notice a predominance of aqua that is because it is the best colour in the world.  If you don’t believe me ask my sister.  Though for the non aqua lovers (dark and corrupt souls that they are) never fear, we love us some orange too.

There were many more lovely things I didn’t get to take pics of on account of the ‘Huwyl Factor’ as it could be known.    But hopefully this is a little taster of how much yumminess there was.  And yes I do deserve a medal for not buying it all, thanks for mentioning it.

Sorry to anyone who is bored by many, many pictures of pyrex but I think the title of this post was clear.

This one was for you tiny bean.