
There’s something of a theme running through our activities at the moment…

After seeing me needle felt my first pumpkin (after watching this great tutorial), Huwyl was desperate to have a go, so he made his own over the weekend.  I can’t say watching him wield the needle was a stress free experience for me, but he got the hang of it and has now declared that he wants to needle felt every day from now on.  Ok.


Continuing on the pumpkin theme we did our second round of pumpkin lanterns this weekend.  I’d hoped to enter our first ones into Movita’s pumpkin carve off, but before I could get my act together and buy candles they, well, rotted.  It really doesn’t take long does it?  Ahem.

So we missed our chance for glory but will hopefully have working lanterns for our Halloween celebrations, I’m calling the previous ones a science experiment on the process of decay.  Planned it all along.  Yep.


Ah, kitty cat pumpkin, how sweetly you glow.


  1. #1 by Helen on October 29, 2012 - 6:59 pm

    Best pumpkin ever. You win the 2012 Cochrane- Jones award.

  2. #2 by movita beaucoup on November 2, 2012 - 8:39 am

    LOVE the pumpkin(s)! And just think… you’ve got a year to plan for Pumpkin Carve-Off 2013!

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