Posts Tagged winter fun on the farm

Sights of Sunday

While today wasn’t exactly what I’d call spring like (by the afternoon we hit a mighty -15c), compared to the -40 we had mid week it felt positively balmy!  Along with the glorious sunshine and the crunchy conditions underfoot, it was the perfect day to wrap up and head out. Some of us really needed to burn off some steam…chilly sunday-7676 chilly sunday-7677 chilly sunday-7678

They ran just for the sake of it, bounding across the snow to meet me.  They had been exploring their hideout in the hedge line for a good little while before that, protecting the farm from ninjas and other such dangers.

They weren’t the only ones who enjoyed getting out either, even my old girl Bella, who is really struggling with her arthritis this winter, trotted along with me like old times.

chilly sunday-7673 chilly sunday-7674She no longer pounds along like a race horse, bounding across the snow, but I enjoyed her company as an old friend.  I don’t know how many more walks like this we have ahead of us, so I enjoy her implacable presence and her steady pace.

Of course there are younger members of our family who have no trouble making the most of the wintry conditions.

chilly sunday-7693 chilly sunday-7682 chilly sunday-7688After the bitterly cold week we’ve had the pond was frozen solid, certainly solid enough for some skidding fun!  Watching them zip about, feeling free and alive, brought many smiles and laughs from us all.

It’s been a busy weekend but also a lovely one, I hope it heralds a good week ahead.

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